Episode Two


  • West Virginia’s Quarterback. He threw a ton of interceptions on Saturday.  Which, in turn, meant that Auburn was absolutely awesome.  Sticking around through the one hour [pouring-down, hurricane-like] rain delay was 100% worth it.
  • The Super-Powerful Air-Blowing Device at Value Place. I dropped a Mexican eggroll in the burning hot oil tonight, which resulted in tons of smoky steam.  By the time I noticed the room was filled with it, the smoke alarm went off.  In a hotel.  Thank goodness for the employee who brought The Super-Powerful Air-Blowing Device to my room and opened the window to make the alarm stop.  Incredibly embarrassing moment.
  • Chandler, Monica, Joey, Rachel, Ross, & Phoebe. Seasons 1-6 in a two week period.  I just love it.


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